Welcome to read homilies for the Sundays of
the year. These are sample homilies which you can read with devotion. You may
use them in your own homilies without asking my permission. You may also change
or edit these to fit them to your audience. A unique quality of these homilies
is that they are Christ-filled. From beginning to end they present to us some
aspect of Jesus so that beholding his glory we “are being transformed from
glory to glory into his very image” (2 Corinthians 3:18 NAB).
The Royal Vagabond
There are some
statements of Jesus that he did not want us to take literally. The most noted
of these is his statement that if your eye is causing you to sin then you
"gouge it out and throw it away" (Matthew 5:29 NAB). Fortunately no
one in history has followed this command of Jesus literally, although we have
the case of the very learned priest in the third century, Origen, who,
according to the historian Eusebius, castrated himself to avoid temptations related
to sex.
In our Gospel reading today you heard another
statement of Jesus that he did not mean literally. It is this: In reply to a
man who expressed a desire to follow him wherever he would go, Jesus answered him, "Foxes have dens and birds
of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head."
(Luke 9:58). He did have a place to rest his head, either in a house as in
Bethany or in a boat as in the Lake of Galilee.
Such an expression is
an example of what is termed Semitic hyperbole to emphasize a particular truth.
"Semitic" means that the expression is part of the Semitic language,
the language of Semites or the descendants of Sem, one of Noah's sons. The Jews
belong to one of the Semitic tribes.
In English we also
have such expressions that are not to be taken literally. When we say that it
is raining cats and dogs, we do not mean that cats and dogs are falling from
the sky. We mean that the rain is very heavy.
What Jesus meant was that
he was always on the move, unlike foxes who return to their dens and birds who
find shelter in their nests. Humanly speaking he had no idea where he would
sleep during the night, whether it would be in a house that would welcome him
or under a tree or in the open space of a desert. He was always on the go.
He was always
traveling. Note what Luke the writer said in the beginning of chapter 8 of his
Gospel. He said that Jesus journeyed through towns and villages preaching and
proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God. There is a preposition in the
original Greek which gives us a better picture of Jesus' journey in these towns
and villages. This preposition is "kata". We have this preposition as
a prefix in English words like "catalog". The basic meaning of catalog is that it is a complete list. Luke wrote that Jesus went kata towns
and villages, meaning town after town and village after village in a thorough
manner without omitting some on the way.
This is the picture we
have of Jesus. He went to town after town, village after village, until he
covered all of them. Then if time permitted he repeated the process thoroughly.
He did this systematically. In Luke chapter 10 we are told that Jesus sent
seventy two of his disciples in pairs to every town and place he intended to
visit. This meant 36 pairs and of course 36 towns and villages. This alone
would take much of Jesus' time traveling to these places. Since Jesus only
walked and he had to stop traveling during the Sabbath days, going to the
places where his disciples went ahead could have taken a good part of the year.
No wonder he said he
had nowhere to lay his head, because every night he rested in a different
Jesus did not stay in
one place most of the time, except at the beginning of his ministry when he
stayed in Capernaum, a town by the lake of Galilee and towards the end of his
ministry when he slept in Bethany but during the day he would be in Jerusalem.
Besides these two very brief periods he was always on the go.
And in his journeys
Jesus walked. He only rode on an ass when he entered Jerusalem for the last
What a contrast we
have here of Jesus' way of ministering and of those of our church leaders.
Jesus was always on the go. Our church leaders are stationary, they have a fine
place to rest their heads. Even our so called missionaries do stay in a
particular place for some time, a so called mission station or mission parish.
In comparison to our church leaders Jesus was a vagabond, but one with a
purpose and direction.
Some time ago a
picture of Jesus went around in the Internet with a message. The message said
that Jesus was visiting your house. You were then encouraged to pass this
picture to other users of the Internet. The lesson was that you were supposed
to welcome Jesus in your home and let him stay there.
But that was only a
picture of Jesus. He is now in the right hand of God managing his affairs
throughout the world. He sees all of us in an instant. But he is still looking
here and there for hearts that would welcome him.
The image in
Revelation 3:20 has been used or over used already. But that is the truth, not
only for the Christians in Laodicea where this particular letter was addressed
to but for all Christians. Here are the words of Jesus: "Here I stand,
knocking at the door. If anyone hears me calling and opens the door, I will
enter his house and have supper with him, and he with me."
Jesus still goes
around seeking a place where he can lay his head. Where this be your heart?
Let us bow down our
heads to pray. Lord Jesus, you were the king who went around proclaiming your
kingdom. Let your kingdom truly come in my heart. There have a place to rest
your head. Amen.