Welcome to read homilies for the Sundays of
the year. These are sample homilies which you can read with devotion. You may
use them in your own homilies without asking my permission. You may also change
or edit these to fit them to your audience. A unique quality of these homilies
is that they are Christ-filled. From beginning to end they present to us some
aspect of Jesus so that beholding his glory we “are being transformed from
glory to glory into his very image” (2 Corinthians 3:18 NAB).
Why Pray on a Mountain?
Most of us have not
asked this question: Why did Jesus pray on a mountain? We have not asked
because perhaps we did not notice this detail when reading or listening to the
Gospel. But this detail is there for all of us to read and ponder upon.
In today's Gospel
reading we heard, "Jesus took Peter, John and James and went up the
mountain to pray." This was not the only time that Jesus prayed on a
mountain. It is related by Luke that just before Jesus chose his twelve
apostles "he went out to the mountain to pray, spending the night in
communion with God" (Luke 6:12). And we are familiar with the fact that
Jesus had the habit of praying at night in the Garden of Gethsemani which is on
the slopes of the Mount of Olives. This Mount of Olives was a favorite of
Jesus. It was here that he wept over Jerusalem because it did not believe in
him. It was on this mount that he ascended to heaven. It is on this mount that
he will descend when he comes again in bodily form. Jesus loved mountains and
he loved to pray on a mountain. Why? We will find out why as we ponder on this
sentence from our Gospel reading today.
We recall that in
John's Gospel after Jesus fed a crowd of five thousand men (again John
explicitly mentions on a mountain) he "realized that they would come and
carry him off to make him king, so he fled back to the mountain alone"
This was the first and
most obvious reason why Jesus prayed on a mountain. He wanted to be alone when
he prayed. It was to the mountain that he fled from the people. The Gospel says
that he brought along with him Peter, James and John but he did not involve
them in his prayer. He prayed alone while the three watched him. It was perhaps
to ensure that nobody would disturb him that he brought these three disciples
along. They were to guard him so that he would not be disturbed by others when
he prayed.
Because Jesus was
undisturbed on a mountain he could pray for any length of time before daybreak.
This was the second reason. It was to pray for a long period of time that he
prayed on a mountain. The time was so long that invariably the disciples would
fall asleep as Jesus prayed. Jesus never hurried up in his prayers. He took his
time. He was so unlike most of us who wish that a person praying in public
would cut his prayer short so that we can go to the main show, as they say.
Some of us may ask
this question: Jesus as second person of God was always united to God, was
always in fellowship with his Father God. Why then did he go up the mountain to
pray to his Father? Could he not pray to God in the plain, in the house where
he stayed, in the street when they were walking?
Jesus did pray in the
plain, he did pray in a room, he prayed even as he walked but still he wanted
to pray on a mountain. Why? The third reason why he did this was to show us an
example, to lead us in our prayer.
A mountain is higher
than the plain. This is obvious. It is not obvious for us though that prayer
should be the priority in all our activities. For most of us it is a decoration
in our activities, especially during meetings and seminars. Prayer is like a
parenthesis in our life. We pause for a short time in the morning to pray. We
pause during meal time to pray. We pause before sleeping to pray. Many of us do
not even pause. We just go ahead with our work.
For Jesus prayer was
on the top of the mountain. It was on top of his activities. It was his
priority. Nothing was to substitute for it. He prayed on a mountain to show us
that our prayer life should also be on top of all our activities.
But Jesus does not
just show us that our prayer life should be our priority. He leads us to make
real this priority in our life. He sent his Spirit to move our hearts and minds
to make prayer our number one priority in life.
Now you object. You
say, "It was alright for Jesus to make prayer his priority because he had
no other work but to preach. But for us this cannot be done because we have
work in order to make a living. We have a family to feed, unlike Jesus."
This is where it shows
that we have forgotten that we are baptized persons. According to our Catechism
of the Catholic Church, numbers 1243, 1265, 1269, we who were baptized have put
on Christ, have risen with Christ, are truly children of God because we are
partakers of his divine nature, we no
longer belong to ourselves but to him who died and rose for us. We can
no longer give the excuse that we are just mere human beings. By the grace of
baptism we have become divine like Jesus.
Yes, we have work to do,
to feed our family. And we do not abandon this work, because as Paul the
Apostle says, If one does not work, let him not eat. But our priority is not
our family but God's family. Before talking to the members of our human family
we talk to our Father God. He knows what we need. Jesus said that even before
we ask anything from God he knows already what we need. After all it is God who
ultimately provides the food on our table. We only follow his instruction how
to get it for our human family.
This life of Jesus
within us, given to us at baptism, if it is real, if it is actualized will move
us to make prayer our priority. In what ways? The Spirit of Jesus will lead us.
We only follow.
In my case he has led
me to pray first before I do any work. Not just pray some our fathers and hail
marys but really pray with our Father God, commune with him. He does this in my
life, not I doing it for him. When he speaks I pay attention.
Why did Jesus pray on
a mountain? To be alone with his and our Father God, to be undisturbed and to
show us that prayer is his and our priority.
Let us bow down our heads to pray.
Lord, teach us and
lead us to make prayer, real prayer, conversing with our heavenly Father, our
priority. Amen.
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